Patient Guide 
Key Information for Your Stay

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You are the center of your health care team. Let this special guide help you get the best results from your hospital stay.

During your stay, the doctors, nurses and staff of your hospital will treat you and your family as partners in your own care. One important way that you can be involved is to speak up. Ask questions, voice your concerns, and don’t be afraid to raise any issues relating not only to your care and treatment, but also to overall hospital services.

Throughout Take Charge of Your Care, you’ll find a step-by-step guide to making the most of your hospital stay—how to stay safe, get the information you need, ask the right questions and interact effectively with your doctors, nurses and hospital staff.

Helpful Tips

  • Write down any questions you have.
  • Choose a support person to communicate with the doctors and staff.
  • Keep a list of doctors you see and the medications they prescribe.
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